Narcotics Anonymous
Tuesday’s 7pm
NA is a group of recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This program is not a religious one, but a spiritual way of life, based on the Twelve Steps of NA.
Contact Joe for more information
(507) 593-9897
Tuesday’s 7pm
Nar-Anon is for those who know or have known a feeling of desperation concerning the addiction problem of someone very near to you. You are not alone. We have traveled that unhappy road too. When you attend a meeting know that you are among true friends who understand your problem as few others could. Our program is not a religious one but a spiritual way of life based on the Twelve Steps of Nar-Anon.
Contact Jeanne for more information
(320) 523-6172 (text only)

All are invited to join the Rhythm of the WayMaker recovery community on Thursdays from 6:30-8pm. We start with live music and then move into a recovery step study using the Life Recovery Bible. Be encouraged as we spur one another on, living the life in grace with God and one another.