In the drop-down list select NonDeductible-Camp FusionTap the icon the pay. We are asking that a $100 deposit be made for each child.

This is a required form for every camper.
Registration will be open April 1st.


June 10 – 14, 2025

Once a year in June, we come together for the most amazing week of the year for kids (ages 9 – 11) and teens (ages 12 – 18). Nearly 20 churches join together and form a kids camp and youth camp that make for one powerful single entity!
“fus-ion /’fyooZHen – The process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity”

Rates & Deadlines

$370 / April 1 – May 4

$390 / May 5 – June 1

Registration closes June 1st at 11:30pm CST!

Cost covers camp, counselors, and transportation. We are asking that a $100 deposit be made for each child, then the funds raised will go towards the difference (if the child participates in fundraising).
When paying, in the dropdown select Camp Fusion – Non Deductible

Fundraising Opportunities

Note: All funds raised will go to those kids that help with the fundraiser. We have the following opportunities for your child to participate in raising funds:

  1. Talent Show April 2nd – Participate or help in concession
  2. Bake Sale May 11th – Provide baked goods and/or help sell 
  3. Garage Sale Fundraiser May 12-17 – help set up/sell

Scholarships Needed!

We have students that cannot afford to go to camp this year. If you can help with sending a student on a life changing trip to camp this summer please donate below.